Entity responsible for the contents of this website
HASE Kaminofenbau GmbH
Niederkircher Straße 14
54294 Trier
Phone: +49 651 82 69-0
Fax: +49 651 82 69-118
Managing Directors:
Eva Maria Blasius, Fernando Diaz Nájera, Steven Schmidt
Registered office of the company:
54294 Trier
Register court: Local Court of Wittlich
Register number: Commercial Code no. HRB 4937
Value added tax identification number in accordance with Section 27a German Sales Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz): DE235388930
Person responsible for the contents in accordance with Section 10 Paragraph 3 German State Treaty on Media Services (Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag, MDStV):
Eva Maria Blasius, Fernando Diaz Nájera, Steven Schmidt (address as above)
Liability for Contents:
The content of our pages was prepared with utmost care. However, we cannot assume any liability for the content being correct, complete and up to date.
Data Protection Provisions
Liability Notice:Despite careful monitoring in terms of content, we do not assume any liability for the contents of any external links. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for the contents of their websites.© Copyright 2025 Hase Kaminofenbau GmbH. The contents of are - unless otherwise stated - protected by copyright.
Any photographs used are marked with picture credits or listed below, unless they were taken by the author.
The use of photographs on third-party sites is only possible within the scope of the respective license of the author.